Whenever you join a PTC, DO read the intro very carefully. Everything is not what it seems.
A common trick the sites use is the misleading pay per click figure.
For example,
You get 0.010 cent per click.
Watch out! Many misread the sentence as
You get $0.010 per click.
Okay, may be my example was a bit too conspicuous.Nevertheless, the message is that be really careful what the site says before joining it.Otherwise you will lose valuable form fill up time.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A common trap !
Why I do not join sites that pay 0.5 cents per ad.
The reason is really simple. When there are so many legit sites paying 1 cent per click, why would I bother joining the sites that pay me lower ? Sites like donkeymails, or buddypond that pay around half a cent per ad take forever to reach payout.
So I would suggest my readers to quit the sites with low pay and join sites that are really worth your time monetarily.
Friday, March 21, 2008
This site has around 10 ads per day. Blue ads pay 2 cents, green ones pay 1 cent, and purple ones pay 0.5 cent each . For every 20 ads clicked you get a lottery ticket with a chance to win 25 dollars.
You also earn from referral clicks.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Upto 0.01cent per ad,around 10 ads per day.Similar to advercash.
$10.00 cashout.
100% referral earnings.
Pays through Alertpay.

Friday, March 14, 2008
Some pointers on getting referrals
Once you have joined a few PTC sites, you might want to start gaining some referrals to speed up the earning.
Here are a few pointers:
1. Never join the traffic producing sites. These are sites where you gain credit for surfing ads and use credits for making others view your ad. This does not work as when surfing for credits no one actually looks at any ad. I know, as I used a few traffic sites and did not get a single referral that way.
Of course, if you are advertising a page with more than 1 link, then you can use the traffic producers, as the probability of people looking into your site and signing at least one program increases.
2. Try referring people from your friends and family. That way you are more likely to get a handful of loyal referrals.
3. Put up ads for the sites in your blog or your website.
4. Tell people at your workspace about the programs. Someone might get interested.
5. Use your communicative skills. Try to persuade people in online chat rooms into joining the sites.
6. Finally, if you feel that the site is trustworthy, buy referrals.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Country not on the list? No prob!
As long as the site pays through Alertpay, just select any country from the list.
Just make sure your correct address is in the Alertpay account, because your checks are going to be posted there.
This site has everything you can want from a ptc: 1cent per click, about 10 ads per day, a very low payout of 5 dollars.You also get a percentage of referral earnings.
You can also upgrade membership and purchase referrals.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Isabelmarco’s Moneymaker
Isabelmarco’s Moneymaker
It recently had some problems with its hosts, but now it’s up and running again.It is here to stay.
Each ad has to be viewed 20 seconds, so it is more convenient than most sites.
Viewer discretion is recommended as this sometimes contains adult content.
Click the link or banner to join.

Do's and Dont's--A few pointers
There are a few things you should remember when surfing ads using the sites I gave you:
1.Remember not to click two ads from the same site simultaneously. They will not give you the money for one of the sites if you do.
2.However, you CAN view two ads in two different sites simultaneously.If your internet is speedy, you can open up 4 or 5 sites at once and view them simultaneously. This saves a lot of time.
3.Stick to the free stuff.All the pay to click sites offer to sell referrals of upgrade memberships.But you never know which PTC sites will last to the end, and whether the referrals you get are trustworthy of not. So try a site out for at least two months before you purchase anything.
4.Never open two accounts from the same computer or the same IP address.They will surely delete your account.
5.Only join sites that feel trustworthy. The sites I will post here all have a minimum of 1cent per ad .
There are several sites ion the internet that pay 2 or even 3 cents per ad, but most of them are fraudulent, and will close after a few days.
I shall post sites here only after I have tried them for a few weeks and feel that they are trustworthy.
6.The sites that pay 0.5 cents per ad take too long to reach payout. So I believe they are not worth our valuable time .Do not join them.
7.Join 10 sites at once at most. If you join more, you might find it hard to organize them.
8.If you are a student, do not get obsessed with PTC sites. Be sure you are only spending your leisure in the sites.
9.If you use a dial up or prepaid service , only check out the sites when you are reading emails or doing something important.If you are a prepaid net user, logging in just to surf might not be at all ptofitting.So only surf when you are doing your other activities in the internet.
10.Once you get about 20 referrals, you won't need to surf any more. You can just rely on the referrals(if they are trustworthy) to earn for you. However, DO log in about once a week at least.Or else your account might get deleted.
11.Most importantly, have fun. After all, what's the point of doing something if you do not enjoy yourself?Although, what can be more fun than earning free money?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
What do PTC sites gain in return?
Profit of PTCs
This is the most obvious question. Okay, I am clicking on ads, and not even viewing one properly, and I am getting paid. This is sounding too good to be true. Why would the sites give away free money? What are they getting in return?
Well, the answer is simple. The sites are, in fact, not giving away free money. To make this easier to understand, I need to give you some details.
The sites have a two faced operation: one deals with the affiliates, that is you, and the other deals with the advertisers.
For example, an advertiser has to pay a PTC site 19 dollars for 1000 clicks on his site.
So when you click his ads 1000 times and get 10 dollar @ .01 per click, the site profits 9 dollars.
When you and your referral each click 1000 ads each, you get 10 dollars + 10 dollars, and the referral gets 10 dollars ,making a total of 30 dollars.
Since you two have clicked a total of 2000 ads, the PTC receives 19*2= 38 dollars, getting a profit of 8 dollars.
The calculation goes deeper, but it is not of our business to ponder.
The bottom line is, PTC sites do get a profit from each ad we click, and we get a share of the profit.
As a side note, I will give you the benefits of the advertisers from the sites.
Most advertisers include writers of books, or innovators of programs, who cannot usually afford advertising in television, or newspapers. The PTC sites give them the opportunity to advertise their products for a very low price. Out of 1000 viewers, even if 10 buy their products, they will profit greatly.
However, the internet IS full of fraudulent PTC sites that normally operate for a short time and close once you get very close to payout.
That is why you should stick to about a dozen pay sites at once, and observe the site for at least two months before actually purchasing referrals and upgrading to premium membership.
Site 003-- Dailyclicks.biz
Dailyclicks is one of the biggest PTC sites and has about 20 ads per day.
Each ad lasts 30 seconds.
Warning: the site will stop accepting members as soon as it has 100000 members. It already has about 78000.So hurry up if you want to join!!!
For free members
1c per ad
0.5c per referral click.
For upgraded members
2c per click
1c per referral click
You may also purchase referrals.
The minimum payout is 10 dollars .You might ask for payout on the 22nd of each month.
Payment is made through Alertpay.
Other bonuses
It sells referral raffle tickets. This is a great way to get referrals if you love the lottery.
Overall attributes.
It has good looks, and the processing of ads is smooth. Dailyclicks has by far the maximum number of ads.
Click the banner or the site name to join.

Site 002 -- Bux3
Brief Intro
Bux.3 is an identical clone of Bux.to. It has almost the equal number of ads per day, and the offers they give are identical to those of Bux.to.
It pays you .05 just for joining.
For free members
1cent per click.
1cent per referral click.
For premium members
1.25 cents per click
1.25 cents per referral click
The payout is 10 dollars.
Payment is made only via Alertpay.
You must visit each site for 30 seconds before clicking another ad !!!
You can also join offers to earn some cents, and get paid to give a testimonial.
This site also sells referrals.
Once you join the site, you will find its payment proofs, referral purchase, and upgrade info as you surf the ads.
Earnings example (based on current averages)
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00
Overall attributes.
Due to its good looks ,and efficient performance,Bux3 is a really good choice as a PTC site. Click the link or banner to sign up.

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Site 001-- Bux.to
Brief Intro
Bux.to is one of the fastest growing PTC sites around. Membership is of two types: free memberships and paid memberships. The free members get about 11 ads per day and premium members get more.
It pays you .05 just for joining.
For free members
1cent per click.
1cent per referral click.
For premium members
1.25 cents per click
1.25 cents per referral click
The payout is 10 dollars.
Payment is made only via Alertpay.
You must visit each site for 30 seconds before clicking another ad !!!
Advantages of joining
This site has a large number of customers or affiliates. So the possibility of its closing down is really low.
As this site has been in the business for so long, a lot of people have already joined it. So it would be difficult to get referrals. Nevertheless, you can ask your friends to be your referrals, or invite people who are entirely new to this way of earning.
This site also sells referrals.
Once you join the site, you will find its payment proofs, referral purchase, and upgrade info as you surf the ads.
Earnings example (based on current averages)
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00
Overall attributes.
Because of its popularity and integrity, bux.to is at the top of my choice list.Click on the banner or the name to sign up.

Your first step: Payment Processors
Now that I’ve gotten you charged up to start earning money in your free time, here is the first thing you have got to do. You will need to sign up to an online payment processor.
I’ve mentioned about this in the intro. Now let me answer some questions that might, or should appear in your mind.
1. What in the world is a payment processor?
In a nutshell, this is like an online bank account. Unlike regular bank accounts, however , these banks will not give you an interest, but will only let you store your money online .
From this site the money is going to be sent to you by check.
2. Why would I want to sign up for such a site?
Because, although some sites send you the money by check, 90 per cent of the sites will send the payment through a payment processor. In fact, most sites will ask you to give your address of the processor while you sign up .
So, your first step would be signing up for a site.
3. Okay, okay. Which sites do I sign up for now?
There are a very large number of such sites. The biggest one is Paypal, but although it is safe and all, to sign up it asks for your credit card number, and many of us do not have a credit card. Furthermore , most of the PTC sites do not use Paypal to pay.
Therefore, I would suggest you to join Alertpay. Just click the word , or the banner to sign up. It’s free .
4. Why Alertpay ? Why not something else?
Because , I have looked through dozens of pay sites ,and most of them pay through Alertpay. Other sites include Moneybookers and Egold, but the sites which I will cover here will mostly pay through Alertpay.
To sum up, just sign up for Alertpay, and then join the PTC sites I’ll cover in the posts that follow.

Getting Started
Hi there!
Since you are reading this, obviously you are interested in the concept of PTC or Pay To Click sites.
Here is all the useful information you need to know, so that you do not have to read the pointless FAQs once you get inside the sites.
The first thing you need to do before joining the sites is signing up for an internet payment processor. This is a site where the PTC sites send you the money .This site is responsible for delivering you your check. And this is the first thing to do, as the PTC sites would ask you for the address of your payment processor account.
For info on payment processors read the page labeled payment processors.
Now let’s cut to the chase.
Who are these sites for?
Anyone who knows how to use a mouse. You do not need any special skills. All you need to do is click on a few advertisements per day, and get paid. This is a great way to earn a little extra money for housewives, students, unemployed citizens, or practically anyone who would enjoy doing it. I use the sites to generate money to add to my allowances.
How do these PTC sites work?
Step 1.Sign up: this is completely free.
Step 2.Surf ads: there is a button named surf ads .Just click on it, and you’ll see a list of advertisements. Click on an ad, and a new window will open .Wait till the timer runs out, and your account will get credited with the cash.
Step 3.When your cash till exceeds the payout, you can transfer the money to your payment processor account, from which you will receive the money by check.
How much do the sites pay?
Most sites have about 10 ads per day. Each ad you click will pay you .01 dollar. Some sites have more ads. Some pay .015 per ad, and some .005.
From 1 site you may get 10 cents per day, equal to 3 dollars a month.
So if you use 10 similar sites, you can earn up to 30 dollars a month.
On its own, it does not sound much. But as you start referring others to the sites your earnings will increase from 1.5 times to ten, or even hundred times, depending on the site and the number of people you refer to the site.
Here is an excerpt from a site
35 referrals click 10 ads per day = $3.50
» Your daily earnings = $3.50
» Your weekly earnings = $24.50
» Your monthly earnings = $105.00
And this is just from 1 site!
Think what will happen if you use 10.
So if you feel stirred up now, and feel that this way of earning suits you, check out the payment processors page. There’s really no harm in trying them out, as they are free, and you need to spend only few minutes a day.
Note: This is not a get rich quick thing. It will just help you if you are saving up to buy something like an ipod or playstation, or generate a slow but steady trickle of cash into your household, to ease your expenses.
By the way, if you are skeptic,
More important info will be found in:
1. What do the sites gain in return?
2. The do’s and don’ts.